Pyramid Tea Bags

The Lipton, Discovery Collection.

The Lipton, Discovery Collection.

Howdy 🙂

So the other day, I think I went a little cray cray when it came to purchasing some of the latest flavours from the Lipton, Discovery Collection.

Some of the flavours I hadn’t even tried, I will admit though that I got carried away, but got carried away in a good way that I am able to share my love of beverages shared with you my lovelies. 🙂

Plus I like the unique design of the pyramid tea bags. I think they are cute and easy to spread the flavours of the tea in your cup. It moves away from the traditional tea bags, I’ve grown up with that was the rectangular shaped size that most often sits to the side. Whereas the pyramid tea bag sits at the bottom of your cup and the flavours are spread out evenly making its way up and spreading the love and aromatic and flavoursome ingredients. 🙂

I’ll be posting my reviews in the next coming days.

So, keep your eyes peeled out my lovelies 🙂

Take care 🙂

– Jazo

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