My Discovery of Green Gunpowder

Green Gunpowder

Green Gunpowder

Hiya 🙂

I’ve recently tasted Lipton’s latest flavours, Green Gunpowder from the Discovery Collection.

Lipton’s Discovery Collection is known for its pyramid tea bags that are shaped like an actual pyramid.

I initially tried this flavour without sugar, as I usually do when trying any teas and/or coffee. If then I don’t like the taste without sugar. I would try it again with one tablespoon of sugar.

I loved this flavour without sugar. It had no bitter taste at all. It has such a unique taste that I’ve never come across such a flavour like this before, despite having tried many varieties of green tea. Lipton’s promise of this flavour having a unique taste definitely goes off with a bang, because as I mentioned I’ve never tasted a flavour that has exquisite uniqueness of the gunpowder tea.

Ingredients found in the Green Gunpowder

Ingredients found in the Green Gunpowder

I also enjoyed Lipton’s latest spacious pyramid bags that made me enjoy the light flower notes which underlines the exquisite uniqueness of the gunpowder tea. It’s the aromatic discovery of the gunpowder green tea that takes me to the gardens of Asia. I haven’t travelled to Asia, as of yet but felt like this tea took me a place where I experienced that I was there. It makes me feel fortunate to have tasted a tea of such a unique traditional Eastern cultured taste.

I’ve tasted plenty of Eastern teas, but nothing of this exquisite uniqueness and enjoyable aromatic smell.

One of the best tea’s I’ve tasted by Lipton. This is officially one of my favourites from the Discovery Collection.

My overall rating is a 5/5.

What are you waiting for? Go and give this flavour a go! I absolutely love it and wasn’t paid, or sponsored to write this entry, or any of previous entries for this matter on this blog.

If you’re a big fan of green tea like myself, then you’d definitely like this flavour. I suggest keeping the tea bad inside your tea cup while drinking the tea as it tastes better. 🙂

Take care my lovelies 🙂

– Jazo

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Pyramid Tea Bags

The Lipton, Discovery Collection.

The Lipton, Discovery Collection.

Howdy 🙂

So the other day, I think I went a little cray cray when it came to purchasing some of the latest flavours from the Lipton, Discovery Collection.

Some of the flavours I hadn’t even tried, I will admit though that I got carried away, but got carried away in a good way that I am able to share my love of beverages shared with you my lovelies. 🙂

Plus I like the unique design of the pyramid tea bags. I think they are cute and easy to spread the flavours of the tea in your cup. It moves away from the traditional tea bags, I’ve grown up with that was the rectangular shaped size that most often sits to the side. Whereas the pyramid tea bag sits at the bottom of your cup and the flavours are spread out evenly making its way up and spreading the love and aromatic and flavoursome ingredients. 🙂

I’ll be posting my reviews in the next coming days.

So, keep your eyes peeled out my lovelies 🙂

Take care 🙂

– Jazo

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Summer Iced Teas

Virgin Mojito (green tea, lime and mint flavour)

Virgin Mojito (green tea, lime and mint flavour)

Hiya 🙂

I’ve recently purchased Lipton’s Ice Tea limited release of 1.5L flavours. I ended up purchasing Virgin Mojito and Virgin Daiquiri.

The Virgin Mojito has the exotic blend of green tea, lime and mint flavour all in an ice tea. This was my absolute favourite out of the two flavours purchased. I have never tried a Virgin Mojito cocktail before, so pardon my ignorance if I don’t hit the nail on the coffin with this one. 😛

The lime and mint flavoured ice green tea is a perfect party summer taste in your mouth. When drinking the Virgin Mojito I felt like I could taste more of the green tea and mint more than the lime. The lime adds a tinge of flavour, however perfectly balanced more with the green tea and mint flavour.

The style of green tea often used by Lipton works well with its ice tea, as the flavours work in a unique way by hitting the nail on the head by using the highest quality of tea content.

I enjoyed this flavour most of all because when I was growing up, I was use to drinking a large pot of mint tea. My family has this idea that its soothes stomach aches and pains, especially when I’d get sick in the winter they thought mint tea is the best solution to prevent cold and flu symptoms. I honestly believed it helped, as my immune system was quite strong as a youngster and still is strong. So, thank you to my family for possibly strengthening my immune system. 🙂

Lipton-GreenTea mixed flavoursIt could also probably be that growing up with a Middle Eastern background mint is an essential ingredient in many things.

If I haven’t already mentioned except since I was a youngster my taste buds have preferred sour flavourings such as lime, lemon and vinegar. I should, however be careful because of my acid reflux and coming from a family with acid reflux suffers. It still doesn’t stop me from taking the risk.

I applaud Lipton for the fact that my acid reflux did not play up, when drinking the Virgin Mojito. This could be the reason why I drank the whole thing in one day and didn’t share with anyone else. Shhhh… don’t tell anyone 😉 

The Virgin Daiquiri is an exotic blend of strawberry and dragonfruit flavoured iced tea. The combined flavours create a sweet, fruity flavour after taste. It’s a perfect drink for the summer, especially for those who love the taste of strawberries and dragonfruit. The flavours combined together reminded me of a few things:

Virgin Daiquiri (strawberry and dragonfruit)

Virgin Daiquiri (strawberry and dragonfruit)

  1. The strawberry mixed with the dragonfruit reminded me of drinking a strawberry iced slushie from a local 7/11.
  2. The strawberries and dragonfruit have a yummy combination of sweetness and juiciness that feels as though you are tasting each fruit on their own.

I like the fact that the Virgin Daiquiri has a flavoursome taste of a little sweet like candy and a touch of tangy, melon-like flavour. This overall creates a unique taste of the two fruits and creates a pleasant fruitful aroma.       

I am also proud to say that the Virgin Daiquiri did not play up with my acid reflux. This makes me a happy kid. 🙂

Overall rating for the Virgin Mojito is 5/5 and the Virgin Daiquiri is 4/5.

I loved the Virgin Mojito more than the Virgin Daiquiri, as I mentioned before my taste buds prefer the sour taste. The Virgin Mojito has become one of my favourite flavours by Lipton and really hope that they keep this flavour on board. I was quite surprised that I liked the Virgin Daiquiri, as I am not a fruity drink person but this had the right combination that won my taste buds over. I also hope Lipton keeps this flavour on board as well.

Lipton Tea

I do strongly make the suggestion that these drinks taste amazing when refrigerated before opening.

Stay tuned for more entries my lovelies 🙂

– Jazo

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Lipton Ice Tea

The first thing I purchased from Spinneys was Lipton Ice Tea, the flavours were mango and peach. This is an iced tea, but it doesn’t come in a bottle, but rather in a can.

Opening the can

I found this to be quite interesting, as back home I haven’t seen the iced tea brand by Lipton sell their flavours in cans before.

I will admit, when I did see Lipton’s ice tea come in a can I got a little too excited. I think it was because;

  1. I had never seen the iced tea brand by Lipton been sold in a can before.
  2. I knew, this was something interesting to share will my fellow readers.
  3. I was excited to try out one of my favourite brands.

Lipton ice tea mango flavour in a can. This tasted incredibly amazing after it was chilled in the fridge for a good hour. The ice mango flavour has the uniqueness of Lipton’s ice tea range, it was not overpowered with sweetness or tasting like ripened mango. It had the perfect mango sweetness that was mixed well with water and sugar. I had never tasted Lipton ice tea range in a can before, so for the first tasting I wasn’t disappointed at all.

Lipton Ice Tea, Mango flavour.

Lipton Ice Tea, Mango flavour.

I found no problems whatsoever, as soon as I had finished the beverage I actually wanted another. It also reminded me of a perfect summer beverage to have while sitting on a beach chair under a beach umbrella at Bondi Beach sipping this away slowly.

Lipton Ice Tea, Mango flavour.

Lipton Ice Tea, Mango flavour.

And how can I forget the Lipton ice tea peach flavour in a can?

After tasting the ice tea mango flavour, I then was hoping for high expectations as I delightfully enjoyed the mango flavour.

Lipton Ice Tea, Peach flavour.

Lipton Ice Tea, Peach flavour.

Lipton ice tea peach flavour in a can tasted equally as good as the mango flavour. The ice tea tasted sweet and a little tangy like a nectarine. Fortunately, I didn’t experience any sour flavour. But for some strange reason, it tasted a bit like drinking the mango flavour and mixture was about equally the same.

It could be probably why I honestly couldn’t choose at the end, what flavour was better. As both flavours had their own uniqueness in their own right.

Lipton Ice Tea, Peach flavour.

Lipton Ice Tea, Peach flavour.

According to the package there are no colourants, no preservatives and no artificial flavours.

No colourant

My overall rating for both ice tea flavours in a can will be a 5/5. This may sound a little weird, but every time I have a habit of smelling teas before I drink them. I enjoy the aroma of tea and coffee in particular. I enjoyed the aroma of, both the mango and peach ice tea flavours.

I found the texture and tastier from a can than a bottle. It roughly cost me give or take with the Australian dollar and currency conversion about 90 cents.

I love the taste, flavour and texture, a perfect drink for summer. I wish I could find them here in Australia, especially here in Sydney. I wish, I could also take some with me from Lebanon to Australia. Next time I guess. 🙂

– Jazo

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Free Lipton Tea Sampling!

Hi folks!

When I was a youngster, I grew up drinking plenty of full-cream milk, water, teas and fruit drinks. However my fondest memory would have to be drinking Lipton teas. Just remembering the taste and the aroma being gratifying. As I am much older now, I haven’t drank Lipton teas for a few years now until recently that I have discovered their latest collection of tea varieties called the, Discovery Collection.

I have recently tasted one of the flavours of this particular collection, the Russian Earl Grey which I wasn’t a big fan of. As I did mention in an earlier entry, it hasn’t discouraged me from trying their latest flavours of tea.

I’m actually excited to have read up the other day on the Lipton website that they will be a sampling of their latest flavours from the Discovery Collection. I will be checking out their locations across Sydney. I’m quite unsure of the locations in the sampling that will be held in across the state and territories.

Feel free to check out their website for your nearest location, in your state or territory.

– Jazo

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Lipton Discovery Collection

Just because it smells like an Earl Grey doesn’t mean it’ll taste like an Earl Grey. My sense of smell here deceived me.

Russian Earl Grey Tea

Russian Earl Grey Tea

The Lipton Russian Earl Grey has a zesty flavour, instead of the flavour of a black tea. Lipton has achieved the taste of lemon peel and orange with floral notes of sky-blue cornflower petals. However it has disappointed me with its promises made on the package; ‘experience the magical bouquet of black leaves.’

flavoured black tea with orange & lemon peel and bluet petals( sky blue cornflour petals).

Flavoured black tea with orange & lemon peel and bluet petals( sky blue cornflour petals).

I personally didn’t like the taste of this flavour. I did, however enjoy the spacious pyramid bag that revealed an exquisite wealth of fragrances found in the aroma of bergamot and citrus.

Spacious pyramid bag reveals the wealth of flavours and exquisite aroma of bergamot and citrus.

Spacious pyramid bag reveals the wealth of flavours and exquisite aroma of bergamot and citrus.

 I added 1 teaspoon of raw sugar and left the tea bag in to settle for about 2 to 4 minutes, however depending on how strong you’d like your tea, you can leave it in for longer. I make this as a simple suggestion, as this is my style for making tea.
My overall rating out of 5, I’d give it a 1 out of 5.
I won’t be interested in tasting this flavour, but it hasn’t discouraged me in taking on the challenge of trying Lipton’s, Discovery Collection.

– Jazo

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